Cirno's Frozen Wonderland
Feel free to stay, maybe forever

About Cirno

Cirno, known as the Ice Fairy of the Lake, is a character from the Touhou Project, a series of bullet hell shooter games. She's often found near the Misty Lake, showcasing her power over ice to create beautiful, yet deadly, ice sculptures and bullets. Despite being considered one of the less intelligent characters in Gensokyo, her confidence and boldness brand her as the "strongest" fairy, a title she proudly claims.

Adventures and Abilities

Cirno's adventures often revolve around her interactions with other Gensokyo residents, leading to various misunderstandings and battles. Her ability to manipulate cold and freeze anything she desires is a spectacle in itself, often leaving others in awe or in a chilly predicament.

Notable Battles and Interactions

Cirno has had several memorable encounters throughout the Touhou series. One of her most notable battles takes place in "The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil," where she confronts the player as a stage 2 boss, showcasing her ability to control ice and challenge her opponents. In "Phantasmagoria of Flower View," Cirno's curiosity and combativeness shine through as she investigates the mysterious flower outbreak, leading to various encounters with other characters. Her role in "Fairy Wars" as the main protagonist highlights her determination and resourcefulness, offering players a deeper look into her capabilities and charm.

Why We Love Cirno

Her naive confidence, coupled with her undeniable strength, makes Cirno a beloved character among fans. Her simplistic view of the world, filled with wonder and a zest for challenges, reminds us of the joy of discovery and the pure thrill of competition.

Attribute Details
Nickname The Strongest Fairy
Abilities Manipulation of cold, ice formation
Habitat Misty Lake, Gensokyo
Appearances Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Phantasmagoria of Flower View, and more
Message Board

Strongest Fairy: Did anyone else think Cirno's battle in EoSD was epic? Classic Cirno moment!

ICE COLD: Totally! I love how she claims to be the strongest, so adorable and funny. 😄

Suwako: Does anyone have tips for dodging her ice attacks? I always get frozen...

Test Your Cirno Knowledge!

use all lowercase letters

Special Offers

🌟 Magic Ice Crystals - Only 99 yen! Enhance your spells today! 🌟
🎮 New Game: "Cirno's Adventure" - Pre-order and get an exclusive soundtrack! 🎮
📘 "The Strongest Fairy" - A biography of Cirno. Available now! 📘